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Getting Ready for School

3 August 2022 10:18 am

Words : Sirohmi Gunesekera

“Stop hanging on the telephone. Next month you have to get used to not talking so much as you will be in school” Jean’s mother Moira told her. “I still have one month at home so let me talk” pleaded Jean. Moira shrugged and moved away.
However, she pulled out her daughter’s uniforms and checked if there was any mending to be done.   She called Jean and asked her to try on the uniforms  to see if they fitted.
Moira then went to her son Lalith’s room and told him to sort  out his books. “I wish I was methodical like you,  Mummy.  Then I will be able to study better” said Lalith. “Just make up your mind to put things in their right place.  Also draw up a timetable so you can study for each day.  I know you like getting up early to study so get used to going to bed early.  Forget watching the  teledramas on tv.” Moira told her son.
Just then Moira’s husband Charitha walked in and asked what his family was doing. “We are getting ready for school as soon it will be September and then it will be a scramble for time and energy” explained Moira. “You are wise to plan ahead.  I also have work in office but will squeeze in time to see to the family’s needs” said Charitha. “Daddy, can you help me with my Maths? Mummy doesn’t know” asked Lalith.

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