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Anjalika Wijesinghe Entrepreneur, Corporate Trainer, and Directress of Wiz Kidz International Montessori

Meet Anjalika Wijesinghe, an esteemed Corporate Trainer and Directress celebrated for her exceptional contributions to education and corporate excellence. With over 24 years of experience, she has trained extensively in customer service and business protocol, shaping elite organizations across Sri Lanka. She is also the Principal/ Directress of Wiz Kidz International, Kiribathgoda.

Shanela De Livera Maestro of Melodies : Uniting Hearts through Music

Meet Shanela De Livera Algama, the Sri Lankan-based virtuoso who enchants audiences with her mesmerizing violin performances and empowers budding musicians through her passion for teaching. Shanela De Livera’s musical journey began in childhood, nurtured by her family’s rich musical heritage and her innate talent for playing by ear.

Saroja Gunatilleke Bridging the Gap, Redefining Risk: Empowering Businesses with Actuarial Expertise

Saroja Gunatilleke is a pioneering actuary and founder of S G Actuarial Consultancy. Armed with a stellar academic background and a passion for Mathematics, she embarked on a journey that led her to become the youngest and only female Actuary at the age of 26 and the only Fellow Actuary at age 28 in the Sri Lankan Insurance sector. Her expertise extends beyond traditional actuarial realms, encompassing risk management and consultancy services. T

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Daring and Trendy Ramzi’s Latest Hair Masterpiece

Ramzi, the Hair Maestro, has once again showcased his extraordinary talent with a stunning and daring new hairstyle that sets the trend. Renowned for his innovative techniques and visionary artistry, Ramzi’s latest creation is a testament to his ability to push boundaries and redefine modern hair fashion, captivating the attention of style enthusiasts everywhere.

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Steering young minds towards values

Working with young adults has given me renewed direction. I find myself questioning EVERYTHING from lifestyles to attitudinal issues. It does seem that unless and until a third person sets foot and addresses crucial areas of standards, parents of young adults are willing to look away. They’d rather do that than face the music of verbal onslaught. It is a worrying factor when young people have no clue about deadlines, transparency and ethics.

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Conquering Anxiety Strategies for a Calmer Mind

In the second part of this insightful article, Dr. Shamindri Bandusena, a distinguished psychotherapist, delves into the profound physical impacts of anxiety. Exploring common symptoms like increased heart rate, dizziness, and insomnia, she uncovers practical strategies to manage these effects. Join her as she navigates the intersection of mental and physical health, offering actionable advice for holistic well-being.

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Overcoming cancer, how you put up with and overcame physical abuse from your husband, marriage woes, In-law issues, sibling rivalry, living with a disability and coping, how you reached top rungs at work…and many more...

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